June 15, 2015

Boston Harbor. June, 2015

How cool does my friend Chris look here? I was so happy that he was among the guests at a wedding party this past weekend because I never get to spend enough time with him. (He'd just returned from two weeks in Brazil as part of a class he was taking toward his MBA.) I call Chris my "Andy Warhol friend" because we both share a fascination with that artist. He seems much too young to be in the Warhol cult, but be that as it may. A few years ago, realizing that he would appreciate it as much as I did for so many years, I gave him my autographed (Warhol and Viva!) copy of 'The Velvet Underground and Nico' album, signed the first time I met the artist and his film star in 1969. I was right; it now occupies a place of honor in his home. Since then, we've also become "bicycle light" friends, sharing any information about ways to over-illuminate our bikes to make them look like Las Vegas on wheels as we pedal and twinkle around Boston.

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